This Dog-Gone Life

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Missing out on a really kick ass party

The sun is still nowhere to be seen in my corner of the world, my house is a still a mess, school work is bogging me down, and to top it all off, I can't go to my friend's party! My only chance at some natural mood booster on the dead of winter went bust because I can't take off from work. So, I'll be missing out on some great food, rich and enlightening conversations, dancing, drinking, and all that good (and illegal?) stuff in a college party. Oh well, sucks to be me right now.

Did I ever mention how thick the fog was this past week? It's horrible! It's so thick I'm almost afraid to drive into it. A friend who lives in the boonies (where the fog seems to be thickest) said it took him an hour longer to drive from his house to school. He said the fog was so thick he had to take a hatchet, whacked the fog with it a few times, get in the car, drive an inch forward and repeat the whole process to get to school. Hahaha! I know, it's a pretty lame joke but I'll take whatever I can get at this time.

Brrrr! Damn, it's cold in here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Ramblings of a seasonally depressed

God/Allah/Helios/Higher Power, could you please, please, please, let the sun peek out a bit? Just a teeny weeny bit so that 1) my backyard will dry up and my dogs won't have to keep tracking in mud inside the house and 2) most importantly, so my mood would lift up. This wet, dark, gloomy winter is slowly making me nuts. I really don't want to shell out $150 for a full spectrum lamp which I heard works like a magic for seasonal depression. Just send me some sun, pretty please?

On a slightly happy note, we had a "mutant hunt" session in my Bacterial Genetics class and I surprised myself by knowing all the answers! I'm not as engot in this class as I thought, here are the condensed version of the questions.

Q: What can you say about the DNA sequence of a mutant gene w/o frame shifts?
A: Must have no repeats.

Q: ...a gene w/ tons of deletions?
A: Has tons of repeats.

Q: Salmonella has no inserts. Why?
A: There are no transposable agents.

Q: ...a gene that absolutely does not revert?
A: No deletion in the sequence.

Q: ...a gene that reverts very rarely?
A: Has inserts in the sequence.

I could probably keep this up if my teacher would only stop mumbling to himself and talking to the board all the time. The subject is hard enough as it is, but having a professor who is better suited in doing research than conducting a lecture makes it even harder.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Dirty floor and shrunken coat

Argh!!! I came home last night to one very dirty floor. There were muddy paw prints of varying size on the floor and some shoe marks too! I don't need to be a CSI and be all forensics about it to determine who are the culprits. The big paw prints belong to Tyler, the medium ones are Shaggy's, the little ones belong to Peachy. The shoe marks are E's, since he's the only other human who lives in our house. Mr. Libby, the mop, and I are becoming fast friends.

E did the laundry and I was pretty happy about it until I discovered he washed and dried my favorite purple wool coat. It's wool, it's not supposed to be washed and dried like the rest of our clothes. It's supposed to be dry-cleaned or it will shrink! And shrunk it did. It now looks like a ten year old's coat. More aarrghh!!! That was my most favorite coat, and it was a gift from his mom. The past couple of days are clearly not so shining moments of my man.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

K as in carrot

WTF!?! Mwahahaha!!! That's what my best bud said when she was trying to spell her name out for our IT guy over the phone! Hahaha. She was serious too. But to her credit, when she realized what she said, she immediately "remedied" it by saying, "I mean, like a diamond. As in the karat of a diamond." But still, I couldn't stop laughing my butt off. I burst out laughing everytime I look at her. Take note, she's an English major. I love her to pieces but man, her being blonde still remains, long after her hair has turned brown.

Don't get me wrong though, Pinoys aren't exempt from temporary lapse of intelligence. Case in point, I asked E to get me some zucchini from the store. Guess what he brought home? Cucumbers.

E: Hon, I bought you cucumbers.
Me: Thanks, but I asked for zucchini.

a pause

E: It's the same, isn't it?
Me: No, it's not.
E: Well, what's the difference?

I was tempted to say, um, for one, the spelling. Geez, what is the world coming to?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Busy bee

I have way too much stuff going on right now.

In school:

Winter Quarter just started and I have tons of homework already.

My music class is supposed to be an easy class; but since I'm a retard, I can't figure out the meter in a piece. The very "simple" Semper Fidelis is mind boggling to me.

As for my Bacterial Genetics class, well, I really can't say anything. It's because I don't understand a damn thing. Thank God the rest of my science classes are manageable.

In the home front:

I have a huge pile of clothes to wash, and an equally huge pile to fold and put away.

My house is a mess.

My dogs keep tracking in mud from outside.

E's tracking in dirt from outside.

I swear I'm going to lock them all out of the house one of these days.

Monday, January 10, 2005

My Bahama Mama hair! Posted by Hello

Getting my hair braided Posted by Hello

The brown thing amidst the vast blue of this pic is me. E was so lazy to get up from his lounge chair when he shot this.  Posted by Hello

relaxing on the beach Posted by Hello

E on the beach Posted by Hello

View of the harbor from Atlantis Hotel Posted by Hello

E and the Majesty of the Seas Posted by Hello

sitting between palm trees on our way to Fort Charlotte Posted by Hello

Welcome to Nassau Posted by Hello